Dr. Shiqi Liu


Personal Information

Maleborn at Changle County, China in September, 1984.

Education Background

2003.09-2007.07 Bachelor in Science, China University of Petroleum (East China)

2007.09-2010.07 Master in Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China)

2010.09-2013.06 Ph.D. in Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology

Academic working experience

2013.08-2015.06 Post-doctor, School of Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology

2015.06-2015.12 Research Assistant, Low Carbon Energy Institute, China University of Mining and Technology

2016.01-present Associate Professor, Low Carbon Energy Institute, China University of Mining and Technology

2017.11-2018.11 Visiting Scholar, Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, UK

Research projects

12 projects have been undertaken as the PI, including 6 grants funded by the nation. The representative grants list as follows:

  1. The study on occurrence and migration mechanisms of gas and water based on full-scale structural network reconstruction of high-rank coal reservoir. General program funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 41972168, 2020-2023

  2. Modeling technology and dynamic changes of coalbed permeability under CO2-ECBM. Subproject of National Key Research and Development Plan funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Grant No. 2018YFB0605601-03, 2018-2021

  3. Simulation experiment subsystem for horizontal well cavern completion, stress relief, and fluid migration. Subproject of National Key Project for Scientific Instruments funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 41727801-3, 2018-2023

  4. Three-dimension digital characterization method of high-rank coal structure. General program funded by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, Grant No. BK20171188, 2017-2020

  5. Three-dimension modeling of high-rank coal structure and It's geochemical responses for CO2 geological storage in southern Qinshui basin. Youth program funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 41402135, 2015-2017

  6. Digital description and three dimension modeling of high-rank coal reservoir structure in southern Qinshui basin. General program funded by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Grant No. 2014M551705, 2014-2015


11 monographs have been published as co-author, and the representative books list as follows

  1. Shuxun Sang, Shiqi Liu, Wenfeng Wang, Liwen Cao, et al., Effectiveness theory and assessment on CO2 geological storage and enhanced CH4 recovery with the deep coal seams. Beijing: Science press, 2019 (in press)  

  2. Shiqi Liu, Shuxun Sang, Mengxi Li, Huihu Liu, Prediction and controlling factors of the productivity of coalbed methane vertical wells in southern Qinshui basin. Xuzhou: China University of Mining and Technology Press, 2017

More than 70 papers have been published as co-author, including 31 papers indexed by Web of Science. 12 SCI papers as first author or contact author list as follows

  1. Huihuang FangShuxun Sang*Shiqi Liu*The coupling mechanism of the thermal-hydraulic-mechanical fields in CH4-bearing coal and its application in the CO2-enhanced coalbed methane recoveryJournal of Petroleum Science and Engineering2019181: 1-13.

  2. Shiqi Liu1Shuxun Sang1, *Jingsheng MaTian WangYi DuHuihuang FangEffects of supercritical CO2 on micropores in bituminous and anthracite coalFuel2019242: 96-108.

  3. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Jingsheng MaXin WangYi DuTian WangThree-dimensional digitalization modeling characterization of pores in high-rank coal in the southern Qinshui basinGeosciences Journal201923(1): 175-188.

  4. Shiqi LiuJingsheng MaShuxun Sang*Tian WangYi DuHuihuang FangThe effects of supercritical CO2 on mesopore and macropore structure in bituminous and anthracite coalFuel2018223: 32-43.

  5. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Tian WangYi DuJinlong JiaHuihuang FangThe effects of CO2 on organic groups in bituminous coal and high-rank coal via Fourier Transform Infrared SpectroscopyEnergy Exploration & Exploitation201836(6): 1566-1592.

  6. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Geoff WangJingsheng MaXin WangWenfeng WangYi DuTian WangFIB-SEM and X-ray CT characterization of interconnected pores in high-rank coal formed from regional metamorphismJournal of Petroleum Science and Engineering2017148: 21-31.

  7. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Zhejun PanZhonglan TianHenglin YangQiujia HuGuangjie SangMaopo QiaoHuihu LiuJinlong JiaStudy of characteristics and formation stages of macroscopic natural fractures in coal seam #3 for CBM development in the east Qinnan block, Southern Quishui Basin, ChinaJournal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering201634: 1321-1332.

  8. Xianzheng ZhaoShiqi Liu*Shuxun SangZhejun PanWenxiu ZhaoYanhui YangQiujia HuYanlei YangCharacteristics and generation mechanisms of coal fines in coalbed methane wells in the southern Qinshui Basin, ChinaJournal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering201634: 849-863.

  9. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Qipeng ZhuJiefang ZhangHefeng GaoHuihu LiuLixing LinTriple medium physical model of post fracturing high-rank coal reservoir in Southern Qinshui BasinJournal of Earth Sciences201526(3): 407-415.

  10. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Huihu LiuQipeng ZhuGrowth characteristics and genetic types of pores and fractures in ahigh-rank coal reservoir of the southern Qinshui basinOre Geology Reviews201564: 140-151.

  11. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Qipeng ZhuHuihu LiuHefeng GaoStructure and production fluid flow pattern of post-fracturing high-rank coal reservoir in Southern Qinshui BasinJournal of Central South University201421(10): 3970-3982.

  12. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Qipeng ZhuHuihu LiuResponse characteristics and mechanisms of dynamic fluid field for well interference of coal bed methane group wells in production blockEnergy Exploration & Exploitation201432(5): 771-790.

Awards and patents

2 science and technology awards at province, ministry and national association level have been won. 12 national invention patents have been authorized, of which 4 as the first inventor. And 4 software copyrights have been authorized, of which 4 as the first inventor.

Academic part-time job and community service

2019.10-present member of Youth editorial board of Acta Sedimentologica Sinica

2018.01-present member of Youth editorial board of Coal Science and Technology

2018.01- present member of Jiangsu Low Carbon Technology Society