Dr. Jinlong Jia


Personal Information

Maleborn at Heilongjiang province, China in January, 1988.

Education Background

2006.09-2010.06 Bachelor in Mining Engineering, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology

2010.09-2013.06 Master in Mining Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology

2013.09-2016.06 Ph. D in Geological Resources and Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology

Academic working experience

2016.09-2018.01 Lecturer, School of Resources and civil Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology (WIT)

2018.01-2018.12 Lecturer, School of Resources and Safety Engineering\School of Xingfa Mining, WIT

2018.12-present Associate professor, School of Resources and Safety Engineering\School of Xingfa Mining, WIT

Research projects

2 projects have been undertaken as the PI, including 1 grants funded by the nation. The representative grants list as follows:

  1. Simulation system of horizontal well for CBM development relying on cave-induced stress relief in tectonic coal reservoir. Subject of Information and Automation Control of Analog System. National Key Project for Scientific Instruments funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 41727801, 2018-2023.

  2. A simulation study on the stress-strain effects of supercritical CO2 injection in deep anthracite reservoir at the southeast of Hubei province. The Science and Technology Research Project of Hubei Provincial Department of Education, Grant No. Q20181506. 2018-2020.

2 projects have been undertaken as the participant, including 2 grants funded by the nation. The representative grants list as follows:

  1. Validation theory on CO2 geological storage and CH4 enhanced recovery with deep coal seams. Major program Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 41330638, 2014-2018

  2. Research on formation mechanism and prediction methodology of superposed reservoirs of coalbed methane and coal-derived gas. General project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 41272154, 2013-2016


More than 20 papers have been published as co-author, including 16 papers indexed by Web of Science andEI Compendex. 10 SCI papers as first author list as follows

  1. Jia Jinlong, Sang Shuxun, Cao Liwen, Liu Shiqi, et al. Characteristics of CO2/supercritical CO2 adsorption-induced swelling to anthracite: An experimental study. Fuel, 2018, 216:639-647.

  2. Jia Jinlong, Cao Liwen, Sang Shuxun, Yi Tongsheng. A case study on the critical stimulation techniques practiced in the superposed reservoir of coal-bearing series with multiple thin coal seams in Guizhou, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016, 146489~504.

  3. Jia Jinlong, Cao Liwen. An experimental study on the permeability changes of anthracite reservoirs in different depths of Qinshui Basin induced by supercritical CO2 injection. Energy Science & Engineering. 2019, 00:1-16. https://doi.org/10.1002/ese3.555.

  4. Jia Jinlong, Sang Shuxun, Cao Liwen, Han Sijie, Liu Shiqi, Zhou Xiaozhi. Characteristics of the superposed gas reservoirs of coal-bearing series and its pool-forming dynamic mechanism in Jiyang depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Himalayan Geology, 2017, 38 (2): 141-155.

  5. Jia Jinlong, Cao Liwen, Zhang Dianji, Chai Xiuwei, Liu Shiqi, Ma Li, Han Liu. Study on the fracture characteristics of thick-hard limestone roof and its controlling technique. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017, 76:605-615.

  6. Jia Jinlong, Cao Liwen. Experimental simulation on N2 injection for enhancing supercritical CO2 injectivity in anthracite reservoir. Himalayan Geology, 2020,41(2), accept.

  7. Jia Jinlong, Cao Liwen, Sang Shuxun, Li Zicheng. An experimental study on the damage characteristics of mechanical properties of anthracite induced by supercritical CO2 injection. Environmental Earth Sciences, 79, 12 (2020), DOI: 10.1007/s12665-019-8758-2.

  8. Jia Jinlong, Cao Liwen, et al. 3D comprehensive advance exploration and prevention technology of mine water-inrush. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 2014, 62(3): 69-77.

  9. Jia Jinlong, Cao Liwen, et al. Technology of large section coal roadway supporting based on limit equilibrium method. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2014, 19 B: 413-424.

  10. Jia Jinlong, Zhang Dongsheng, Cao Liwen, et al. Main roof fracture mechanism of mining-along-gully in thick loess layer area. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 2013, 61(11): 324-331.


More than 9 patents have beenapplied. 3 patents applied as first inventor. 9 patents list as follows

  1. Jia Jinlong (Rank 1). A device for fracturing limestone roof with a mixture of carbon dioxide and water. Application number:201811414258.0

  2. Jia Jinlong (Rank 1)A method for fracturing limestone roof with a mixture of carbon dioxide and water. Application number: 201811414272.0.

  3. Jia Jinlong (Rank 1). A recyclable locking device with high prestressing and constant resistance for anchor. Application number: 201810835131.X.

  4. Jia Jinlong (Rank 3).A method for simulating the supercritical CO2 injection and CBM displacement. Application number, 201510130087.9.

  5. Jia Jinlong (Rank 3). A device for simulating the supercritical CO2 injection and CBM displacement. Application number, 201510131256.0.

  6. Jia Jinlong (Rank 3). A method for testing free-swelling volume of coal during the CO2 and CH4 competitive adsorption. Application number, 201510130324.1.

  7. Jia Jinlong (Rank 3). A device for testing free-swelling volume of coal during the CO2 and CH4 competitive adsorption. Application number, 201510131496.0.

  8. Jia Jinlong (Rank 5). A method for simulating the geochemical effect during the CO2-ECBM. Application number, 20151036895.9.

  9. Jia Jinlong (Rank 5). A device for simulating the geochemical effect during the CO2-ECBM. Application number, 201510036505.8.