Dr. Shuxun Sang


Personal Information

Maleborn at Tangshan city, China in November, 1967.

Education Background

1984.09-1988.07 Bachelor in Geology, China University of Mining and Technology(CUMT)

1988.09-1990.12 Master in Geology, CUMT

1991.02-1994.03 Ph. D in Geology, CUMT

Academic working experience

1994.04-1997.12 Lecturer, School of Mineral Resources and Environmental Sciences, CUMT

1998.01-2002.12 Associate professor, School of Mineral Resources and Geosciences, CUMT

2003.01- present  Full professor, School of Mineral Resources and Geosciences, CUMT

2010.08-2011.03 visiting scholar, Department of geology, the University of Tulsa, U.S.A.

2004.01-present Chair professor, School of Mineral Resources and Geosciences, CUMT

Research projects

78 projects have been undertaken as the PI, including 10 grants funded by the nation. The representative grants list as follows:

  1. Influence of coal geology on CO2-ECBM engineering. Subject of National Key Research and Development Plan funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Grant No. 2018YFB0605601, 2018-2021

  2. Simulation system of horizontal well for CBM development relying on cave-induced stress relief in tectonic coal reservoir. National Key Project for Scientific Instruments funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 41727801, 2018-2023

  3. Validation theory on CO2 geological storage and CH4 enhanced recovery with deep coal seams. Major program Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 41330638, 2014-2018

  4. Research on formation mechanism and prediction methodology of superposed reservoirs of coalbed methane and coal-derived gas. General project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No.(41272154, 2013-2016

  5. Surface wells development technology for stress relief coalbed methane in the deformation coal mine area. Subject of National High Technology Research and Development Program funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Grant No. 2007AA06Z220, 2007-2010

  6. Integration development technology of surface vertical wells for in-situ and stress relief coalbed methane. Major project of science and technology funded by Ministry of Education of China, Grant No. 307014, 2007-2009

  7. Study on the Carboniferous-Permian strata and their depositional systems in the eastern of North China. National oil and gas project funded by National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Land and Resources, Grant No.XQ200403-03, 2005-2006

  8. Theoretical research on geological disposal and analog reservoir formation for landfill biogas resource utilization. General project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 40372069, 2004-2006

  9. Adsorption behavior and gas storage mechanism. Subject of National Key Basic Research Program of China funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Grant No. 2002CB211703, 2002-2007

  10. Hazardous elements in the carbonate strata and their ecological effects- a case study of Xuzhou area. Youth project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 49902010, 2000-2002

  11. Assessment of coalbed methane resource in the major coal mining area. National oil and gas project funded by National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Land and Resources, Grant No.ZP-M-04, 2004-2005


11 monographs have been published as co-author, and the representative books list as follows

  1. Shuxun Sang et al., Effectiveness theory and assessment on CO2 geological storage and enhanced CH4 recovery with the deep coal seams. Beijing: Science press, 2019 (in press)  

  2. Qun Zhang, Shuxun Sang, et al., Coal sorption feature and gas storage mechanism. BeijingScience press,2013

  3. Shuxun Sang, Yong Qin, et al., Coalbed Methane Geology of the terrestrial basins- a case study of Zhungaar and Tuha basins. Xuzhou: China University of Mining and Technology Press, 2001

  4. Huanjie Liu, Shuxun Sang, Jian Shi, Comparative sedimentology of the coal forming environments- insight from mangrove tidal flat and mangrove peat in Hainan island. Xuzhou: China University of Mining and Technology Press, 1997

More than 300 papers have been published as co-author, including 75 papers indexed by Web of Science. 52 SCI papers as first author or contact author list as follows

  1. Shiqi Liu1Shuxun Sang1, *Jingsheng MaTian WangYi DuHuihuang FangEffects of supercritical CO2 on micropores in bituminous and anthracite coalFuel2019242: 96-108.

  2. Huihuang Fang1Shuxun Sang1, *Shiqi LiuShupei LiuExperimental simulation of replacing and displacing CH4 by injecting supercritical CO2 and its geological significanceInternational Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control201981: 115-125.

  3. Kun Zhang1Shuxun Sang1*Changjiang LiuMengya MaXiaozhi ZhouExperimental study the influences of geochemical reaction on coal structure during the CO2 geological storage in deep coal seamJournal of Petroleum Science and Engineering2019178:1006-1017.

  4. Sijie Han1Shuxun Sang1*Jingjing LiangJinchao ZhangSupercritical CO2 adsorption in a simulated deep coal reservoir environment, implications for geological storage of CO2 in deep coals in the southern Qinshui Basin, ChinaEnergy Science & Engineering20197(2): 488-503.

  5. Huihuang Fang1,Shuxun Sang1*, Shiqi Liu, Establishment of dynamic permeability model of coal reservoir and its numerical simulation during the CO2-ECBM process, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering2019179:885-898.

  6. Sijie Han1,Shuxun Sang1*, Jingjing Liang, Wenfeng Wang, Guanlong Zhang, Shengzhu Wang. Geochemistry, Petrology, and U-Pb dating of high-K volcanic rocks in wells WC-1 and Y-2 from the northern Junggar Basin, northwestern China: Implications for the closure of the Keramaili oceanic basin during the Carboniferous, Geological Journal, 2019, 54(6):3921-3939

  7. Huihuang FangShuxun Sang*Shiqi LiuCoupling mechanism of the thermal-hydraulic-mechanical fields in CH4-bearing coal and its application of CO2-enhanced coalbed methane recoveryJournal of Petroleum Science and Engineering2019181: 106177.

  8. Huihuang FangShuxun Sang*Shiqi LiuNumerical simulation of enhancing coalbed methane recovery by injecting CO2 with heat injectionPetroleum Science201916(1): 32-43.

  9. Hongjie XuShuxun Sang*Jingfen YangJun JinHuihu LiuXiaozhi ZhouWei GaoEvaluation of coal and shale reservoir in Permian coal-bearing strata for development potential: A case study from Well LC-1# in the northern Guizhou, ChinaEnergy Exploration & Exploitation201937(1): 194-218.

  10. Yi DuShuxun Sang*Zhejun PanWenfeng WangShiqi LiuChangqing FuYongchun ZhaoJunying ZhangExperimental study of supercritical CO2-H2O-coal interactions and the effect on coal permeabilityFuel2019, 253:369-382

  11. Huihuang Fang, Shuxun Sang*, Shiqi Liu, Yi Du, Methodology of three-dimensional visualization and quantitative characterization of nanopores in coal by using FIB-SEM and its application with anthracite in Qinshui basin, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 182:106283.

  12. Hongjie Xu,Zezhong Fang, Shuxun Sang*, Huihu Liu, Hai Ding,Xinzhao Dou, Liu Qinjie, Analysis of the shear failure of surface methane capture boreholes for improving the drainage period efficiency: A lithological perspective, Energy Exploration & Exploitation2019, DOI: 10.1177/0144598719884671.

  13. Huihu Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Shimin Liu, Haiyan Wu, Tianhe Lan, Hongjie Xu, Bo Ren, Supercritical-CO2 Adsorption Quantification and Modeling for a Deep Coalbed Methane Reservoir in the Southern Qinshui Basin, China, ACS OMEGA, 20194(7):11685-11700.

  14. Sijie Han, Shuxun Sang*, Jinging Liang, Wenfeng Wang, Guanlong Zhang, Shengzhu Wang, Characteristics and genesis of diachronous Carboniferous volcano-sedimentary sequences: insights from geochemistry, petrology and U-Pb dating in the North Junggar basin, China, International Geology Review, 2019, 61(4):404-423

  15. Sijie Han, Shuxun Sang*, Peiming Zhou, Jingjing Liang, Geological characteristics of the Carboniferous-Permian coal-measures superimposed reservoir and its favourable zones in the Jiyang Sub-basin, Himalayan Geology, 2019, 40(1):1-15

  16. Shiqi LiuJingsheng MaShuxun Sang*Tian WangYi DuHuihuang FangThe effects of supercritical CO2 on mesopore and macropore structure in bituminous and anthracite coalFuel2018223: 32-43.

  17. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Tian WangYi DuJinlong JiaHuihuang FangThe effects of CO2 on organic groups in bituminous coal and high-rank coal via Fourier Transform Infrared SpectroscopyEnergy Exploration & Exploitation201836(6): 1566-1592.

  18. Jinlong JiaShuxun Sang*Liwen CaoShiqi LiuCharacteristics of CO2/supercritical CO2 adsorption-induced swelling to anthracite: An experimental studyFuel2018216638-647.

  19. Yi DuShuxun Sang*Wenfeng WangShiqi LiuTian WangDissolution of illite in supercritical CO2-saturated water: Implications for clayey caprock stability in CO2 geological storageJournal of Chemical Engineering of Japan201851(1): 116-122.

  20. Yi DuShuxun Sang*Wenfeng WangShiqi LiuTian WangHuihuang FangExperimental study of the reactions of supercritical CO2 and minerals in high-rank coal under formation conditions. Energy & Fuels201832(2): 1115-1125.

  21. Qinghe NiuLiwen Cao*Shuxun Sang*Xiaozhi ZhouZhenzhi WangAnisotropic adsorption swelling and permeability characteristics with injecting CO2 in coalEnergy & Fuels201832(2): 1979-1991.

  22. Huihuang FangShuxun Sang*Jilin WangWei JuPore characteristics and its significance on shale gas reservoir: a case study of the Longmaxi shale in the Nanchuan region, Chongqing, South ChinaInternational Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology201818(3/4): 512-536.

  23. Huihu LiuShuxun Sang*Junhua XueTianhe LanHongjie XuBo RenShiqi LiuEvolution and geochemical characteristics of gas phase fluid and its response to inter-well interference during multi-well drainage of coalbed methaneJournal of Petroleum Science and Engineering2018162: 491-501.

  24. Huihu LiuShuxun Sang*Junhua XueTianhe LanHongje XuBo RenQiao ChengExperimental study on the velocity sensitivity of coal reservoir during coalbed drainage in southern Qinshui BasinEnergy Exploration & Exploitation201836(6): 1593-1608.

  25. Huihuang FangShuxun Sang*Jilin WangShiqi LiuWei JuSimulation of paleotectonic stress fields and distribution prediction of tectonic fractures at the Hudi coal mine, Qinshui basinACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA (English Edition)201791(6): 2007-2023.

  26. Qinghe NiuLiwen Cao*Shuxun Sang*Xiaozhi ZhouZhenzhi WangZhiyong WuThe adsorption-swelling and permeability characteristics of natural and reconstituted anthracite coalsEnergy2017141: 2206-2217.

  27. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Geoff WangJingsheng MaXin WangWenfeng WangYi DuTian WangFIB-SEM and X-ray CT characterization of interconnected pores in high-rank coal formed from regional metamorphismJournal of Petroleum Science and Engineering2017148: 21-31.

  28. Jinlong JiaShuxun Sang*Liwen CaoSijie HanShiqi LiuXiaozhi ZhouCharacteristics of the superposed gas reservoirs of coal-bearing series and its pool-forming dynamic mechanism in Jiyang depression, Bohai Bay Basin, ChinaHimalayan Geology201738(2): 141-155.

  29. Sijie Han, Shuxun Sang*, Peiming Zhou, Jingjing Liang, The evolutionary history of methane adsorption capacity with reference to deep Carboniferous-Permian coal seams in the Jiyang Sub-basin: Combined implementation of basin modeling and adsorption isotherm experiments, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 158:634-646

  30. Huihu LiuShuxun Sang*Junhua XueGuoxiong WangHongje XuBo RenChangjiang LiuShiqi LiuCharacteristics of an in situ stress field and its control on coal fractures and permeability in the Gucheng block, southern Qinshui Basin, ChinaJournal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering201636: 1130-1139.

  31. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Zhejun PanZhonglan TianHenglin YangQiujia HuGuangjie SangMaopo QiaoHuihu LiuJinlong JiaStudy of characteristics and formation stages of macroscopic natural fractures in coal seam #3 for CBM development in the east Qinnan block, Southern Quishui Basin, ChinaJournal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering201634: 1321-1332.

  32. Xianzheng ZhaoShiqi Liu*Shuxun Sang*Zhejun PanWenxiu ZhaoYanhui YangQiujia HuYanlei YangCharacteristics and generation mechanisms of coal fines in coalbed methane wells in the southern Qinshui Basin, ChinaJournal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering201634: 849-863.

  33. Tian WangShuxun Sang*Shiqi LiuYi DuOccurrence and genesis of minerals and their influences on pores and fractures in the high-rank coalsEnergy Exploration & Exploitation201634(6): 899-914.

  34. Hongjie XuShuxun Sang*Jingfen YangJun JinYoubiao HuHuihu LiuJianshuo LiXiaozhi ZhouBo RenSelection of suitable engineering modes for CBM development in zones with multiple coalbeds: A case study in western Guizhou Province, Southwest ChinaJournal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering201636: 1264-1275.

  35. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Qipeng ZhuJiefang ZhangHefeng GaoHuihu LiuLixing LinTriple medium physical model of post fracturing high-rank coal reservoir in Southern Qinshui BasinJournal of Earth Sciences201526(3): 407-415.

  36. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Huihu LiuQipeng ZhuGrowth characteristics and genetic types of pores and fractures in a high-rank coal reservoir of the southern Qinshui basinOre Geology Reviews201564: 140-151.

  37. Shiqi Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Qipeng Zhu, Jiefang Zhang, Hefeng Gao, Huihu Liu, Lixing Lin. Triple medium physical model of post fracturing high-rank coal reservoir in Southern Qinshui Basin. Journal of Earth Science, 2015, 26(03): 140-151.

  38. S.J.HAN, X.S.SANG*, W.F.WANG, Z.F.LI, W.LIU, K.H.ZHANG, G.L.ZHANG. Geochemical characteristics and tectonic setting of Lower Carboniferous volcanic rocks from Wunan-Ludong area, Junggar basin, China. Himalayan Geology, 2015,36(2):118-125.

  39. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Qipeng ZhuHuihu LiuHefeng GaoStructure and production fluid flow pattern of post-fracturing high-rank coal reservoir in Southern Qinshui BasinJournal of Central South University201421(10): 3970-3982.

  40. Shiqi LiuShuxun Sang*Qipeng ZhuHuihu LiuResponse characteristics and mechanisms of dynamic fluid field for well interference of coal bed methane group wells in production blockEnergy Exploration & Exploitation201432(5): 771-790.

  41. Huihu LiuShuxunSang*Geoff G.X.WangMengxi LiHongjie XuShiqi LiuJunjun LiBo RenZhigen ZhaoYan XieBlock scale investigation on gas content of coalbed methane reservoirs in southern Qinshui basin with statistical model and visual mapJournal of Petroleum Science and Engineering2014114: 1-14.

  42. Mao Yingming, Sang Shuxun*, Liu Shiqi, Jia Jinlong. Spatial distribution of pH and organic matter in urban soils and its implications on site-specific land uses in Xuzhou, China. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 2014,337:332-337.

  43. Liu Huihu, Sang Shuxun*, Formolo Michael, Li Mengxi, Liu Shiqi, Xu Hongjie, An Shikai, Li Junjun, Wang Xingzhen. Production characteristics and drainage optimization of coalbed methane wells: A case study from low-permeability anthracite hosted reservoirs in southern Qinshui Basin, China. Energy for Sustainable Development, 2013, 17(12): 412-423.

  44. Huihu L, Shuxun S*, Hongjie X, Shiqi L. Variational Characteristics of Water Quality of Produced Formation Water in Coalbed Methane Production Area. Advanced Materials Research, 2013(726-731):1560-1565.

  45. Huihu Liu, Shuxun Sang*, Geoff G.X. Wang, Yangmin Li,Mengxi Li, Shiqi Liu. Evaluation of the synergetic gas-enrichment and higher-permeability regions for coalbed methane recovery with a fuzzy model. Energy, 2012, 39,426-439.

  46. Sang Shuxun*, Xu Hongjie, Fang Liangcai, Li Guojun, Huang Huazhou. Stress relief coalbed methane drainage by surface vertical wells in China. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2010, 82(3-4): 196-203.

  47. XU Hongjie, SANG Shuxun*, FANG Liangcai, HUANG Huazhou. Production characteristics and the control factors of surface wells for relieved methane drainage in Huainan mining area. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 2010, 85(4): 932-941.

  48. Hui-Hu Liu, Shu-Xun Sang. Study on the law of heavy metal leaching in municipal solid waste landfill. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2010, 165(1-4): 349-363.

  49. SANG Shuxun*, CAO Liwen, SHI Jixiang, LI Encai, HONG Lei. Experimental Research on Geotechincal Properties of Compacted Clay Liner Influenced by Leachate[C]. Progress in Environment Science and Technology Vol., Science Press USA Inc. 2007, 1208-1211.

  50. Sang Shuxun*, ZhuYanming, ZhangJing, Zhang Xiaodong, Zhang Shiyin. Influence of liquid water on coalbed methane adsorption: An experimental research on coal reservoirs in the south of Qinshui Basin. China Science Bulletin, 2005, 50(B10):79-85.

  51. S X SANG*, Y Qin, Y M Zhu, J. Zhang. Coalbed methane storage and pooling of continental basins in northwestern China. In: Xie Heping(ed), Mining Science and Technology,2004, A.A. Balkema, Holland2004,279-282.

  52. Shuxun SX, Zheng YF, Zhang H, Xu L and Fan BH, Researches on carbon and oxygen stable isotopes of lower Paleozoic carbonates in Xuzhou area. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 20(3):707-716(in Chinese)

Awards and patents

9 science and technology awards at province, ministry and national association level have been won. And 17 national invention patents have been authorized, of which 9 as the first inventor.  

Academic part-time job and community service

2019.01-present member of editorial board of Coal Science and Technology

2018.01-present member of editorial board of Acta Sedimentologica Sinica

2018.01-present member of Committee of sedimentary geology, China Geological Society

2019.01-present vice director of Coal petrology branch of national coal Standardization Committee

2018.01-present vice president of Jiangsu Low Carbon Technology Society

2016.10-present dean of the international college, CUMT

2012.05-2016.09 director of the international office, CUMT

2005.12-2012.04 dean of library and director of library and information center, CUMT