Dr. Huazhou Huang


Personal Information

Male, born at Jingzhou city, China in June, 1979.

Education Background

1999.09 - 2003.06: Bachelor in surveying engineering, Henan Polytechic University

2004.09 - 2007.07 Master in Geochemistry, China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT)

2007.09 - 2010.10 Ph. D in Geology, CUMT

Academic working experience

2010.07-2017.12 Lecturer, School of Mineral Resources and Environmental Sciences, CUMT

2018.12-2019.12 Visiting scholar, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia

2018.01-present Associate professor, School of Mineral Resources and Geosciences, CUMT

Research projects

10 projects have been undertaken as the PI, including 2 grants funded by the nation. The representative grants list as follows:

  1. Analogue System by Similar Material for Reconstruction of Coal Measure Strata, One of the sub-projects of Analogue Experimental System for In-situ Coalbed Methane in Tectonically Deformed Coals by Horizontal Well Cavern Completion. Natural Science Foundation of China (The Major Project on The Development of Instrument), No.41727801, Jan., 2018 to Dec., 2022.

  2. Mechanism of Wellbore stability for Pressure Relief Coalbed Methane by Surface Well in Coal Mines, Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Fund), No.51104148, Jan., 2011 to Dec.,2014.

  3. China Geological Survey Project, 2019-10108, Engineering Geological Survey of Coalbed Methane in Goaf of Jixi Basin Mining Area, 2019-2019. Under research

  4. Special project on frontier scientific research of CUMT, 2019-10027. Hydrogeochemical response mechanism of drainage water in low-rank coal-bed methane dessert area, 2019-2021. Under research

  5. Social Technology Service Project, 201706001602, Engineering Research on Coalbed Methane Resources Exploration and Development Technology in the Resource Depletion Mining Area of Sanjiang-Muerun River Basin Group, 2016/11-2018/06, under research

  6. Social Technology Service Project, 2016060050, Interpretation of coal reservoir characteristics in the depleted mining area of Sanjiang-Muerun River Basin, 2016/12-2017/11,  

  7. Social technology service project 2017060038 Research on hard rock hydraulic fracturing rapid excavation technology in the central belt lane of Xinyi Coal Mine, 2017-2018, completed.


More than 50 papers have been published as co-author, including 6 papers indexed by Web of Science

  1. Huazhou Huang, Shuxu Sang, Yao Miao, et al. Trends of ionic concentration variations in water coproduced with coalbed methane in the Tiefa Basin [J]. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2017, 182: 32-41.

  2. Huazhou Huang, Caiqin Bi, Shuxu Sang, et al. Signature of coproduced water quality for coalbed methane development [J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2017, 47: 32-76.

  3. Chuanxia Tong, Huazhou Huang, Huan He, et al. Chemical Characteristics and Development Significance of Trace Elements in Produced Water with Coalbed Methane in Tiefa Basin[J]. ACS OMEG. 2019, 4: 17561-17568.

  4. Huazhou Huang,Shuxu Sang, Liangcai Fang, et al. Optimum well location of surface wells for remote pressure relief coalbed methane drainage in mining areas, Mining Science and Technology. 2010, 20(2): 230-237.

  5. Hongjie, Xu, Shuxun Sang, Liangcai Fang, and Huazhou Huang. Production characteristics and the control factors of surface wells for relieved methane drainage in the Huainan mining area [J], Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 2011, 85: 932-41.

  6. Shuxun Sang, Hongjie Xu, Liangcai Fang, Guojun Li, and Huazhou Huang. Stress relief coalbed methane drainage by surface vertical wells in China [J], International Journal of Coal Geology, 2010, 82: 196-203.

  7. Huazhou Huang, Shuxun Sang, Miao Yao, et al. Drainage control of single vertical well with multi-hydraulic fracturing layers for coalbed methane development[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2014, 39(S2): 422

  8. 431doi: 10. 13225 / j. cnki. Jccs. 2014. 0458. (In Chinese with English abstract).

  9. Liu Xudong, Huang Huazhou, Bi Caiqin, et al. Characteristic and analysis of formation mechanism of chemical composition of drainage water in coalbed methane wells from Daxing Well Field[J]. Bulletin of science and technology. 2019, 35(03): 11-17.

  10. Gao Bin, Huang Huazhou, Ning Na, et al. Pore size characteristics of structural coal and its influence on gas bearing properties[J]. Coal geology & exploration, 2018, 46(5): 182-187 (In Chinese with English abstract).

  11. Liu Xudong, Huang Huazhou, Li Zhao, et al. Analysis of chemical characteristics of drainage water from coalbed methane wells in Daxing coal field[J]. Fault – block oil & gas field, 2018, 25(01): 97-101(In Chinese with English abstract).

  12.  Yuguang Chang, Huazhou Huang, Wei Zheng, et al. Sedimentary characteristics of microbialites of the North China type in Mantou formation Cambrian, Henan. Journal of China University of Mining & Technology. 2013(02): 236-242 (In Chinese with English abstract).

  13.  Chao Zhang, Huazhou Huang, Dawang Zhang, et al. Design on drilling and construction technologies of horizontal well of U-shape CBM well in Xuwangzi field[J]. Coal Technology, 2017(05): 53-55(In Chinese with English abstract).

Awards and patents

1 ministry and national association level have been won. And 7 national invention patents have been authorized.