Dr. Ran Wang


Personal Information

Maleborn at Tai’an city, China in July, 1980.

Education Background

2005.07-2007.12 Teaching Assistant, School of Resources and Geosciences, CUMT

2008.01-2014.12 Lecturer, School of Resources and Geosciences, CUMT

2005.01--present Associate professor, School of Resources and Geosciences, CUMT

2019.09-2020.09 visiting scholar, Department of Geology & Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, U.S.A.

Research projects

8 projects have been undertaken as the PI, including 2 grants funded by the nation. The representative grants list as follows:

1. Influence of pore structure characteristics of high evolution shale reservoirs in lower Yangtze on micro heterogeneity of reservoirs. The Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, Grant No. BK20150176, 2015-2018

2. Geological methods for shale gas selection. Tthe Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province, Grant No. 20124ABE02107, 2013-2017


More than 20 papers have been published as co-author, including 2 papers indexed by Web of Science. 2 SCI papers as first author or contact author list as follows

1.Wang R, Sang S, Jin J, et al. Characteristics and significance of heterogeneity of sea-land transitional facies shale gas reservoir in North Guizhou, China[J]. Geosciences Journal, 2019, 23 (1): 101-117.

2. Wang, RSang, SXZhu, DDet al. Pore characteristics and controlling factors of the Lower Cambrian Hetang Formation shale in Northeast Jiangxi, China[J]. Energy Exploration & Exploitation. 2018,361):43-65.

Awards and patents

1 science and technology awards at province, ministry and national association level have been won.

Academic part-time job and community service

2014.01-2018.09 Vice director of the Department of Geoinformatics, CUMT

2014.01-present committee member of labour union in the School of Resources and Geosciences, CUMT