The Third Research Group Meeting in the Fall Semester of the 2022-2023 Academic Year


At 8:30 on September 16, 2022, some teachers and students of the team held a weekly regular group meeting in the conference room of the Laboratory of Coalbed Methane Development. Associate Professor Zhou Xiaozhi and Associate Research Fellow Han Sijie presided over the meeting.

The main contents of the meeting are:

1.  PhD student report: Zhang Jinchao reported on the progress of rock mechanics test sample delivery with the theme of "Daheshen 1 Well Project Progress", and Associate Professor Zhou Xiaozhi gave guidance and exchanges;

2. Postgraduate report: Wang Yichong, Jing Yajie, Zhu Shiliang, Chen Changran, and Zhu Junhui successively introduced the "Dacong 1 Well Group Drainage Site Tracking, Sampling and Testing Plan", "High Pressure Isothermal Adsorption Test Method for Coal", ""Dahe Riverside Synclinic Coal Seam in Guizhou Province" in turn. "Research on Geological Controlling Factors of Gas Well Productivity", "Thesis Outline Report", "Comet3 Parameter Assignment and Geological Model Information", and "Liquid Measurement Velocity Sensitivity Experiment" were reported. Associate Professor Zhou Xiaozhi, Associate Research Fellow Han Sijie, Ph.D. Zhang Jinchao and Dr. Xiang Wenxin guided and communicated with them;

    3. Discussion on the research direction of the research group: At the end of the meeting, Associate Professor Zhou Xiaozhi made inquiries and guidance on the progress of the research group's research task grouping tasks.

This week's group meeting achieved the established goal of linking the past and the future, and 

pointed out the direction for the work of the teachers and students of the research group for the next week.