Academic contributions
Item 1: Explored and established the geological theory on CBM well production rate and efficiency promotion for high rank coals and geologically adaptive engineering techniques.
Geological model of coalbed methane enrichment and high-yield well distribution in the southern Qinshui Basin
Pore and fissure structure network and structure relationship model of high-rank coal reservoirs
Geological model of fluid continuity process of high-rank coal and coalbed methane
Hydraulic fracture network development and sand-laying model for high-rank coal reservoirs
Work flow of high-efficiency coal seam gas drainage and production quantitative quantization and efficient control technology
Efficient development of geologically adapted well patterns for coalbed methane in low-permeability coal reservoirs and supporting development technologies
Item 2: Set up assessment theory and laboratory mtthodology on effectiveness of CO2 geological storage and CBM enhanced recovery with deep coals
CO2-ECBM experimental simulation system under temperature, pressure, water and in-situ stress conditions
NMR simulation of the process of CO2 displacement driving CH4
Supercritical CO2 adsorption storage model, stress and strain of reservoirs alternately injected with CO2 and N2 and geochemical effects
Item 3: built the geological models on reservoir forming and development of the coalmeasure imposed gas reservoirs
The reservoir forming model and its exploration and development significance of type I Coal-series superimposed gas reservoir
The reservoir forming model and its exploration and development significance of type I Coal-series superimposed gas reservoir
Item 4: Optimized and expanded surface well techniques for pressure release CBM extraction and coal mine gas control
Characteristics of stress-relief and permeability in mining area and stress-relief well deployment
The stress-relief CBM extraction modes
Well deployment of gob gas
Item 5: reclaimed a new field of sheared coal in-situ CBM efficient development, and explored novel techniques to reservoir stimulation for sheared coal in-situ CBM efficient recovery
Conceptual model for tectonically deformed coal in-situ coalbed methane recovery by horizontal well cavern completion and stress relief
Schematic diagram of micro-fracturing and self propping technology for deep CBM
Item 6 others
Promoted the theory of coal formation in marine environments, enriched views on diversity of coal forming environments
Set up methodology and techniques on landfilling disposal of biogas induced accumulation of MSW and landfill biogas resource utilization
Explored coal and co existing resource characteristics in term of efficient and clean utilization and their integrated assessment and prospecting techniques
Explored soil environmental quality assessment and remediation techniques in area of red soil distribution
Undertaken exploration on shale gas resource assessment, geological selection methodology and prospecting techniques