[Graduation information] The research group's doctoral graduation defense in 2023 academic year


On May 28, 2023 (Sunday), 8:30-11:30 am, the doctoral dissertation defense of Professor Sang Shuxun's research group was successfully held in Conference Room 304, Carbon Neutral Research Institute, Wenchang Campus, China University of Mining and Technology. In this dissertation: Dr Gao deyi and Dr Liu xudong. Chairman of Defense Committee: Zhu Guangyou; Committee members: Prof. Shen Jian, Prof. Liu Huihu, Prof. Shen Yulin, Prof. Liu Shiqi; Defense Secretary: Huang Fansheng Associate Researcher. Dr. Liu Xudong first gave a 30-minute report on his graduation thesis Numerical Simulation of Coal Bed methane Geological Storage by CO2 Displacement in Shizhuangnan Demonstration Project in Qinshui Basin. Then the defense committee made comments and questions on the thesis and results, and Dr. Liu Xudong gave wonderful answers; Later, Dr. Forrest gave a 30-minute presentation on his thesis Research on the Expansion and Induction Mechanism of Stress Release Zone in horizontal caverns of structural coal Reservoirs, followed by comments and questions from the defense committee.

In the end, the defense committee voted unanimously, suggest to Dr Liu xudong, Dr Gao deyi awarded engineering doctoral degree! The doctoral thesis defense of our research group in 2023 has been successfully concluded.


Process of doctoral defense


The doctor took a group photo with the experts and supervisors of the defense committee